What’s needed to bring innovation to health care? Health system leaders share their insights


Executives reflect on the challenges, opportunities, and skills needed to scale innovation in health care

Health care is ripe for innovation.

Whether it’s automating manual workflows, deploying an IT solution that improves outcomes for patients, or bringing efficiency to hospital operations, health care has many opportunities to innovate.

Recognizing this need, the Center for Connected Medicine (CCM) asked several health system leaders to reflect on some of the challenges, opportunities, and skills needed to scale innovation in health care.


[Report Download: Trends for Scaling Innovation in Health Care]


Here’s a selection of the questions and answers available in the gallery above:

What’s an area that’s ripe for innovation in health care?

“Automating traditionally tedious, pervasive manual workflows in health care using engines like AI and NLP.”

Adam Berger, PhD, Chief Technology Officer, UPMC Enterprises


When it comes to innovation, what should you remember?

“Patience. Change is difficult for everyone, especially for the patients we serve. Approach your colleagues in the same respectful, dignified and compassionate manner in which you do patient care. Your approach has the opportunity to build a greater alliance in our quest to transform healthcare.”

Patrick Springhart, MD, Vice President of Institutional Innovation, Prisma Health


Valuable skills for those leading health care innovation?

“I believe critical thinking is the number one skill needed in leading innovation. The ability to analyze a problem from multiple perspectives, combine learnings from other industries or scenarios, and come up with possible solutions is something we all need more of.”

Laura Wilt, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Ochsner Health System


Click on the gallery above to see more of the responses the CCM collected.


[Infographic: Six practices for scaling innovation in health care]


Looking for more about innovation in health care?

In partnership with The Health Management Academy, the CCM examined innovative practices in health care and how health systems can efficiently and effectively scale innovation.

Following interviews with C-suite executives at health systems, the CCM published “Trends for Scaling Innovation in Health Care,” a report that details six practices health systems follow for innovation.

The CCM also convened executives at top health systems to discuss their views and approaches to innovation in health care during a CCM webinar, Scaling Innovation. The event featured leaders from Duke, Yale New Haven Health, innovationOchsner, and UPMC.

Watch the webinar on-demand and learn how other health systems are bringing innovation to health care.

Fill in the short form below to download the resource

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