Top of Mind 2021 Program Recap

36 Top of Mind 2021 Recap Platforms can simplify adoption Platforms that simplify machine learning and provide data solutions for users in health care will also be important – which is something that Amazon Web Services is working on, said Taha Kass-Hout, MD, Director, Machine Learning and Chief Medical Officer, Amazon Web Services. “How do we demystify the entire stack of machine learning end to end so that we give the right tool to the right customer to do the right job,” he said. AI and machine learning can help to bring structure to the vast amount of data in health care, such as using natural language processing to read and analyze physician notes and other unstructured data in electronic health records. T O P O F M I N D O N L I N E V I R T U A L S U M M I T Let’s take advantage of the last decade of digitization that started with the medical record, which was a great start. We have the right tools to bring understanding to the data. “ “ Breakout: AI