Top of Mind 2021 Program Recap

31 Top of Mind 2021 Recap There are certainly important circumstances where a hand on their shoulder or just being in physical proximity allows someone to share something they wouldn’t otherwise share” “ Click below to watch the video on this page or watch it on our website . ‘Web-side manner’ can be taught Lee H. Schwamm, MD, Vice President of Virtual Care at Mass General Brigham Health System made two points in response to the question about maintaining a personal connection during a telehealth appointment. The first was that physicians can learn a new bedside manner for the digital age – what some people are calling a “web-side” manner. “It’s teachable,” Dr. Schwamm said. “Focused attention, no distractions, good lighting, making sure the patient understands and is comfortable with the rules of the road.” And while some of that connection between patient and provider can be replicated online, Dr. Schwamm said there also are circumstances where the benefits of telehealth outweigh what might be lost from not having the traditional in-person visit.