Top of Mind 2021 Program Recap
24 Top of Mind 2021 Recap “We talk about these different waves,” Sevco said. “In the spring it was very different. Wave two in the summer we were relaunching, and now it’s wave three where we’re open and ready.” At IU Health, Cook said the early focus was on preserving personal protective equipment (PPE) and stockpiling other supplies to ensure systems were prepared for a potential rise in severely sick patients. But this fall, the focus has shifted to managing staffing as infection rates have surged across the country. “In the spring, it was really about preserving PPE and making sure that we had an adequate stock,” Cook said. “As we’ve moved into the fall, it’s really much more about staffing and making sure we have enough staff to take care of our patients.” Yet after months of planning, Cook said IU Health has been better prepared to handle the situation. “Now, even though our volumes are higher, and we had these issues with enormous numbers of team members being quarantined, it doesn’t feel as devastating as the spring did.” T O P O F M I N D O N L I N E V I R T U A L S U M M I T The first wave was all about stuff versus the second wave, which is really all about staff. “ “ Panel: Leading and Learning Through Crisis
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