Top of Mind 2021 Program Recap
18 T O P O F M I N D O N L I N E V I R T U A L S U M M I T Keynote: The Future of the Health Care Marketplace Diane Holder President and CEO, UPMC Health Plan Ian Morrison, PhD health care futurist and author Top of Mind 2021 Recap Click below to watch the video on this page or watch it on our website . What Is the Future of Health Care? Health Systems Should Focus on Health Disparities, Value, Innovation Health systems’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t been the only challenge in 2020. The pandemic highlighted longstanding health and economic disparities in communities across the country. “There is no doubt that we have seen a hammering both of the economy because of the pandemic and the related impact on disparities in the country, which amplified the gaps in between rich and poor; and they’re amplified by race,” Ian Morrison, PhD, a health care futurist and author, said during a keynote fireside chat with UPMC Health Plan President and CEO Diane Holder.
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